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Friday, November 19, 2010

Issues of Pessimism

    Let me start out by saying I am acutely aware that I have lots of issues, and I am trying to solve them as best as I can.  Maybe I am a 13 year old Emo kid, or as my palindrome friend  would say, I am only 7.
    When your decent or "good" at everything, life sucks.  God decided to curse you with the ability to do everything well, yet not to be the best at anything.  This leads to a series of problems with a lack of person, or an Identity Crises.  I am not a writer, nor do I claim to have the ability to express my emotions through penmanship, but I have come to the realization that I don't know where I fit in.  I am a musician, athlete, nerd, geek, gamer, dancer, bartender, friend, foe, actor, debater, ad chef.  Yet, I don't really fit in anywhere
     Potter's House is my exception, but even there I get asked questions that cause me to think, and apologize for my behavior.  I have the biggest problem with being a one-upper.  For those of you that don't know what that is, the basic definition is a person who always has done something better, done it more, been there more, had it better, had it worse, lost more, won more, no matter what can top what you say.  I realize I have this problem an work on it everyday.  If I could just keep my mouth shut it would save me a lot of problems.  I don't lie about things, but I feel if I can steal the other person's spotlight, it will cover the lack there of my own self concept and self esteem.
      I certain group of twins pointed this out to me on accident this night, and thank god I kept my mouth shut.  I was asked what is it like to be you. I answered it's great.  I have been blessed and privileged to do so much in my life that it seems unreal.  What I couldn't tell them goes as followed. These are the thoughts that were really going through my head.
     What's it like to be me?  You know the feeling of when you cry yourself to sleep one night cause you feel like your world has crashed down?  Imagine not being able to fall asleep, so you sit there crying until you slap yourself in the face yelling get ahold of yourself.  Think about your worst nightmare, then realize you were not dreaming.  I am depressed, I can admit it.  I am on a journey of self-discovery, and it sucks.  I know I can't have a real relationship with anyone, cause I don't know who I am, how am I supposed to express that to someone else.  Am I lonely?  Everyday of my life.  I think about my friends in their perfect little world, with their very real problems, but at least they don't pretend like they don't exist.  Sometimes I feel like I fell out of the roller-coaster as it sped upside down.  I am free falling and I don't even realize which way the ground is coming from.  Gravity is a bitch, but so is life.
   See I can admit my faults, and I pray every night for the wisdom to overcome them.  To learn from m mistakes, and to grow as a christian and as a person.  I don't want to be a one-upper.  I just want to be me.  Whoever that is, I want to find him.


  1. my very honest, very good, very loved friend.

    I'm not gunna spin some sap down here about how sorry I am you are going through this or how it'll all get better if you just keep praying.

    actually, I'm really glad you are going through this. cause on the other side of all this crap, pain, regret, self hatred, depression, loathing, and tears...there is a Daryl waiting to be discovered. and I'm so excited for you to meet him. cause he's my best friend and I love him.

    he's there, underneath all these crap lies you believe about the non-real Daryl. and you are gunna find him. I have every confidence that you will. no doubt what-so-ever.

    you know why? cause you are above all things a fighter. kinda of more of a fighter than I've ever met in my life. ever. yeah...for sure. and I'm gunna be here waiting on the other side for you, ready with a big hug.

    I wish I could walk through this with you, but we both know I can't. But I'm here to listen. I'm here to talk. I'm here to tell you that it's gunna get better on the other side of this.

    and I'm here to say I get it, as much as a person can without being a part of it (and because of that not REALLY getting it.) Cause I've been there. And it's the worst. But trust me, it's all worth it in the end.

  2. I'm glad we got to talk last night. Keep your head up and keep going because God has good plans for you!! Believe that! He hasn't given you all these gifts for no reason because He knew you even before He formed you, and He is with you every step of the way!! Praying for you friend!!

  3. I am now 34 years old, and I am still figuring out who I am. However, I am just the opposite of you. While I know a lot about a lot of things, I'm good at very few things. While my own self-esteem problem stem from issues differing from yours, I can say that I know how it feels to constantly cry yourself to sleep. Be thankful that you have several great friends to encourage you and pray for you, and that you have an awesome family. I hope you are able to figure things out quicker than I have been able to. Praying for you.
